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better late than never: a new year’s resolution

Jan 9, 2019

Hi y’all,

Well… clearly we can see that I did not hold myself accountable or stuck to my resolution about blogging more after my birthday.

I really have no excuse other than not managing my time well and not really feeling an urge to write. The desire was still there, but it was overshadowed by so many other things, mainly my precious little gal who is now ONE, that I just never sat and dedicated the time to do it.

So now it’s 2019 and I’m seeing all these posts about resolutions, but I haven’t wanted to sit and figure out what my own should be…

So here it is…

1. Blogging at least 1-2 times a week (including Instagram posts and photos)

I think if I start small, it will help with the pressure I felt to create a plethora of new content each week. I’m also going to work on planning ideas of what I’m going to write about so I can’t use not having an idea as an excuse. It really seems so basic as I write it, but this has been my biggest goal and my biggest struggle. I’ve been watching several of my favorite bloggers over the last few months and taking note of what what catches my eye, what seems to draw good interaction, and what they seem to be especially passionate about– the things I feel are key for a great blog!

2. Start being involved in at least 1-2 new mommy/daughter activities

Sometimes after a long day of working all I want to do is sit down and cuddle or play with her, but we both need more social interaction and more mommy/baby play dates. I think this will be easier as the weather gets nicer, but I’m sure there are so many fun options in the city. I think our first activity is going to be swim lessons!

3. Read at least 1-2 books a month

I’m an English major and reading has always been like breathing to me. But since having my daughter, I’ve let reading fall by the way wayyy side. So far, each night this week I’ve read at least a chapter each night. I already feel better. I started light, re-reading Harry Potter for the millionth time. I’m thinking one book will be a new book, and one will be a well loved favorite.

4. Lastly, I’m prioritizing my health

I would say overall I’m a pretty healthy person. Aside from living with a chronic autoimmune disease, I have generally good health and eat a well-balanced, often low-carb, diet. My issue, however, is exercise! I hate it– I have ever since I was a kid. There is no enjoyment for me in exercising. You’d think it would be easy seeing my husband is a personal trainer, but nope, it’s not. But last time I went to the doctor, she told me I need to start exercising more, even if it’s just daily walks. So in an effort to get on this exercising kick, we ordered a stationary bike from Flywheel Sports. Our Fly on Demand bike arrives this week and I’m committing to biking 3-4 times a week.

I think four resolutions is a perfect starting number for me because I think the most important thing is quality over quantity– so not how many resolutions I have, but how well I execute the ones I do. I promise I’ll do a check-in after a few weeks to let you know how it’s going.

Thanks for still wanting to take this journey with me and reading along.

xx, the windy city mama

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better late than never: a new year’s resolution

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