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a recap of resolutions: 2019 and beyond

Jan 12, 2020

Happy New Year!

Last year, around this time, I decided to really work on blogging after not holding myself accountable with my blog, and different things in my life in general, so my first blog post of 2019 was about my resolutions (see here) for the upcoming year! Therefore, to start off, I want to do a quick check-in on how those few resolutions went before delving into my plans for 2020.

First, my resolution was to blog 1-2 times a week. This did not happen. It didn’t seem like that large of a goal, but shortly after the beginning of January, I found out we were pregnant with baby Isla. Almost immediately after we found out, I was sick and miserable most days. That being the case, I tried to reevaluate my goals and started trying to at least post 1/2 Instagram posts each week and maybe one blog post a month. I can honestly say now that I have successfully done that for the last several months with an occasional hiatus (like around when Isla was born).

I did meet other HUGE blog goals along the way, including being accepted into the community and reaching over 1K followers, and for that, I’m very proud of myself. With better time management and organization, I can’t wait to see how the blog flourishes from here!

Next, I had a resolution to do more mother/daughter activities. Being pregnant also changed how I was able to accomplish this task, but I think as we go into 2020 having just spent the last three months at home with my girls and having finally started Ivy in swim lessons, that I can say we basically accomplished this. We will still work on having more play dates and finding more fun activities once the cold/flu season passes!

My next resolution was to read more. I started out really strong, but this activity fell by the wayside again. Most of my extra time was spent with Ivy, working, or sleeping while I was pregnant, and now by the time everyone’s asleep for the night, it’s mommy’s bedtime, too. I think for 2020, I’m going to look at this goal in a different way— instead of just wanting to read more, I want to lead by example. Hopefully, if my girls see me reading and see my love of books, one day they’ll want that same love, too.

My last resolution was to prioritize my health, which I really feel I accomplished. As a type 1 diabetic, I personally felt I needed to have my health in tip-top condition in order to get pregnant again, which I did! I worked closely with my doctors all year to stay healthy and have a safe, healthy pregnancy. This resulted in a beautiful baby girl.

While high-energy cardio, like my Flywheel, wasn’t very doable during my pregnancy, I still tried my best to watch what I ate, not give in to cravings toooo often, and focus on other healthy habits, like taking better care of my skin. I’ve given myself some grace in the last three months since giving birth to slowly work back into my healthy lifestyle and exercising routine, and now that I’m finishing up my maternity leave and almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight, my health will go back on the top priority list. This will include healthy eating, exercise, and just practice better overall habits in my everyday life, like drinking more water.

I’ve set a few new small goals for myself in 2020– like less screen time, buying less Starbucks, growing my blog following, and focusing more on experiences with my family and being more present, but as far as 2020 resolutions, I think I’m going to continue working on 2019’s until I feel like I’ve satisfactorily accomplished each one the way I want.

I hope you’re feeling encouraged and excited about the upcoming year! Thank you for continuing on this journey with me.

xx, the windy city mama

All photos by the amazing Hunter Berry Photography

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a recap of resolutions: 2019 and beyond

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