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my supportive valentine

Feb 9, 2019

Hi friends,

So around Valentine’s Day you’re often flooded with posts and ads on social media, tv, the internet, etc. about getting that special someone the perfect something. All the ads and propaganda reaffirm that, while I think Valentine’s is a sweet holiday, I’ve always thought it was generally just one of those hallmark holidays, you know, a commercial holiday with no real significance. I don’t say this to sounds like a Grinch. Really. I like getting flowers and chocolate as much as the next person, but if you just get them for your significant other under obligation to this holiday of love, then is it really about love? I think, personally, and I feel many would agree, that acts of love shouldn’t be focused on one day, but done throughout the year as your heart sees fit. I was recently reminded of how encouraging and heart-warming random acts of love can be.

As you all know, I’m pretty new to the blog game. While I love writing, I haven’t been doing much lately. Really, nothing I do has required a computer aside from the work I do for my job, but I have a computer provided from work for that. So when I started blogging, I was doing a lot on my phone and my husband’s computer. My laptop bit the dust last year after having it since college and my husband using it daily for his work. Now, of course, my husband didn’t mind sharing his computer with me, but as he uses it for work, it wasn’t at home with me most of the time. So for my first month of blogging, I made do with what I had, and it was totally fine! It wasn’t the most convenient, but hey, I’m grateful for what I have.

So over the month, my husband watched me work off my phone and around his schedule. We discussed getting me my own computer eventually, but that it just wasn’t in the cards for us at the moment. Then one night I’m sitting at home, waiting for him to get home from work, and he walks in with this big bag that says HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! With a mischievous smile, he simply goes hi and hands me the bag.

He then says that he knows it’s not Valentine’s for a few weeks, but that he really wanted me to have this. I open the bag and inside is a brand-new laptop with a notebook that says Work Hard. Slay Harder. and a packet of new pens. For multiple obvious reasons, I just started crying.

The biggest reason being, sometimes I don’t stick with things, but my husband always supports me anyways. I’m only a little over a month into blogging, and who knows where it will go, but he supports my dreams so much that he wanted me to have the best opportunity to really give it my all. To say I’m lucky is a vast understatement.

Now, I’m not saying you need to go out and buy your SO a brand new computer, but what I implore of you, is to know and love your partner the way mine knows and loves me, and let that be your guide, not all the Valentine’s hoopla plastered all over the place. He knew that I’d like flowers and chocolate on Valentine’s, but he knew what I needed more right now and went with that instead.

Honestly, I know it was just a coincidence that Valentine’s is coming up. Had I started blogging last November, he probably would’ve come home with a bag that said HAPPY THANK

SGIVING! So, while I’m sure he will still be sweet and get me a card for the actual day, when February 14 rolls around it won’t be any different than any other day. Because I’ll feel just as loved and supported that day as I do every other day of the year.

feeling loved,

the windy city mama xx

High-waisted jeans and “love” Sweater from Loft
Adidas sneaks from Nordstrom Rack

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